The diseased organisation

April, 2017    SMM-160 The diseased organisation This feature article from PME uses my research on how organisations evolve to help you understand why things go wrong in companies. It will give you a new and useful perspective on the challenges you...

Reading the signals

April, 2017    SMM-159 Reading the signals This is one of my regular Darwin’s Medicine columns and describes how you interpret the ‘weak signals’ that you see in your market to better understand and adapt your strategy.

Six Big Shifts in Life Sciences

February, 2017    SMM-157 Six Big Shifts in Life Sciences It’s the question to which we all want the answer: Where is our industry headed? The answer is: Exactly where it is being pushed by what Charles Darwin called “immeasurably...

Strategic Symbionts

January, 2017    SMM-156 Strategic Symbionts Strategic alliances are becoming more interesting and more important as, increasingly, we see the emergence of symbiotic relationships as a common choice of how to compete in life...

Choose or lose

December, 2016    SMM-155 Choose or lose The divergence of business models demands brave choices and the implication for industry leaders is clear: choose a business model and become the best you can at it as fast as you...