by Kall Kwik WGC | Jan 17, 2014 | Free Library
January, 2014 SMM-102 The Adaptation Puzzle With so may attempts failing, isn’t it time you restructured your approach to change management?
by Kall Kwik WGC | Jan 17, 2014 | Free Library
December, 2013 SMM-101 Rising to the Challenge The medtech industry is a constant battle between established firms and emerging rivals. What do these battles tell us about strategies for maintaining or overturning an entrenched market position?...
by Kall Kwik WGC | Sep 5, 2013 | Free Library
September, 2013 SAI-053 Capturing an elusive phenomenon: developing and testing a multiple perspective model of marketing strategy implementation This paper reports on a survey of executives in pharmaceutical and medical technology companies...
by Kall Kwik WGC | Sep 5, 2013 | Free Library
August, 2013 SMM-099 Breaking Free From Medtech’s Iron Cage Adapting to changes in the market environment is critical to the survival of any organisation. So, why do so many medtech companies find it particularly challenging to implement...
by Kall Kwik WGC | Jun 27, 2013 | Free Library
June, 2013 SMM-098 New Tribes: The Shape of Medtech to Come Brian D Smith looks at the emergence of new structures in the medical technology sector.
by Kall Kwik WGC | Apr 21, 2013 | Free Library
April, 2013 SMM-097 Emerging Models When thinking about the evolution of the pharma industry, it’s easy to think in terms of struggles between incumbent dinosaurs and emerging new business models with a ‘survival of the fittest’ conclusion. But...